President's Message

Meisei University upholds the educational goal of "fostering individuals who continue to learn autonomously throughout their lives and collaborate with others to create happiness."

To achieve this, the fact that Meisei University has grown into a comprehensive university with nine faculties, one academic circle, twelve departments, and six graduate schools gathering since its inception in 1964 on the hills of Tama, starting from the Faculty of Science and Engineering, followed by the Faculty of Humanities, and most recently the Faculty of Architecture and Data Science Academic Circle, serves as a significant strength.

To ensure that you can make the most of this valuable learning environment, we have prepared numerous systems and spaces for different faculty members and students from various majors to study and interact together, in addition to mastering their respective specializations. These include not only traditional classrooms, seminar rooms, and laboratories but also libraries essential for self-study and interaction, student cafeterias and cafes, as well as benches placed throughout the hallways of lecture buildings and various locations on campus, all supported by a robust Wi-Fi infrastructure.

Please also visit the "MEISEI HUB," a space within the university that serves as an intersection where many students and faculty can encounter various activities. You will have the opportunity to feel how the collaboration targets expand from within the university to society at large.

By fully utilizing these resources, we hope that Meisei University will provide wonderful experiences to those who have already set their goals and to those who are still exploring their future paths.

Those who acquire the ability to "learn autonomously and collaborate with everyone" at Meisei University will be able to identify the challenges of future society and contribute to solving them.

Shin Togashi, President

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